
Random Happiness

Quote of the Week {10-13-2013}
"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting." ~ E.E. Cummings

Quote of the Week {10-6-2013}
"Every person's life is a fairytale written by God's fingers." ~ Hans Christian Anderson

Quote of the Week {9-29-2013}
"Those who were happiest never did have everything, but rather were thankful for everything they did have." ~Unknown

Quote of the Week {9-22-2013}
"Never lose an opportunity of seeing something beautiful,for beauty is God's handwriting." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quote of the Week {9-15-2013}
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"  ~Mary Oliver

10 fun facts about me!

1.  I am a Christian - Jesus is my first love.

2.  I have been married to my wonderful hubby for 10 years.

3.  I am the mama of two beautiful children.  An 8 year old that I will refer to as "Sweet Girl" and a 3 year old that I will call "Little Dude".

4.  I am a stay at home mom.  This is and always will be my hardest and most satisfying job.

5.  I am a certified Spanish teacher and teach privately to students of all ages, from 3 to 60+ years!

6. I love to create, whether it be with papercrafting, wood decor, photography, writing, or cooking creating makes me happy.

7.  I NEVER sit still, unless I am asleep :)

8.  I adore color as is evidenced by my kitchen cupboard which is a rainbow full of fiestaware and my sock drawer which does not contain a single plain white sock.

9.  I have lived in Spain and spent time in Costa Rica and Mexico.

10.  I really enjoy a good workout...going for a long bike ride, hiking, and even just working out at home.

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