
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Favorite Beauty Products

Unfortunately I have not mastered making all of my own beauty products.  I have tried to go "poo" free and ended up with a frizzy, straw like mess on my head.  I tried making my own shampoo and that wasn't much better.  I also tried the oil face wash method which did not work for me.  After some severe break outs, my dermatologist suggested that may not be the way to go.  Instead of making my own of these products I purchase natural alternatives.  What should you look for when purchasing natural products?  Actually, it is what should be missing from the ingredients list that you should be aware of.
Parabens - Parabens are used as a preservative in many cosmetic and hygiene products.  On the ingredient list they may show up as methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben. 
When products containing parabens are used, they absorb into the skin, blood and digestive system.  Research has shown that breast cancer tumors often contain intact parabens.  Parabens are also known to imitate estrogen and can disturb hormone function.  For me, there is enough research available to dissuade the use of products containing parabens. 
Propolyne Glycol(PG) - While Propolyne Glycol has not been found to cause cancer it can cause allergic reactions, especially for people with eczema.  Three of our four family members (including myself) have eczema.  I have noticed since replacing our beauty and hygiene products with PG free options we have very few flair ups of eczema.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate(SLS) - SLS is often found in products that foam, such as: shampoo, soap, toothpaste etc.  There is varying research on SLS and its effects.  As a harsh chemical detergent it has been found to be a skin irritant.  With sensitive skin issues anyways, we have found it better to steer clear of SLS.  There are much less harsh options on the market.
Also, I try to avoid artificial fragrances and dyes if at all possible.
As always, I encourage you to do a little research of your own and see what you learn.
With all that information in mind, here are a few of my favorite beauty products.
For myself and my hubby, I love Giovanni Shampoo and Conditioner.  My favorite is Tea Tree Triple Treat.  It helps with dry scalp and leaves my hair soft and manageable (which really is a feat).  It is free of SLS, PG and Parabens.  It does have some wonderful natural stuff in it, like: aloe, peppermint oil, tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, and much more. 
For my children we just started using Jason All Natural Shampoo.  It does not contain SLS, PG or Parabens.  It is tear free and has a nice light scent. 
I would highly recommend either of these products.


For skin care I really like Neutrogena Naturals.  Again, they are free from SLS, PG and Parabens.  They are non-comedogenic, meaning they won't clog pores and cause breakouts.  My skin is soft and moisturized without being greasy.  It has all of the natural ingredients listed on the back and what they are used for.  Great product, I hope they don't stop making it anytime soon!

Since I haven't learned to make soap yet, our favorite is Sappo Hill brand soaps.  These soaps do not contain any of the ingredients I like to avoid and there are a variety to choose from.  Our favorites are oatmeal, aloe, almond and occasionally lavender.
I hope this post gave you some insight into the world of natural beauty and hygiene products.  Start checking your ingredient lists when you go to replace products that you have run out of.  Research and try out some natural options, you might be surprised by the results!  I have found for me that Natural, Healthy and Beautiful go hand in hand.  

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