
Monday, January 6, 2014

Homemade Deoderant

I started using homemade deodorant a couple of years ago after reading about and researching the dangers of traditional store-bought deodorant and antiperspirants.  Some toxic ingredients in most antiperspirants are aluminum, which is used to plug sweat glands, and several parabens.  Both are estrogenic compounds and can mimic or disrupt the body's natural hormone estrogen.  I will leave you to research these ingredients and make an informed decision.  For me, the risks did not out weigh the semi-wetness protection I was receiving.  

The hunt began for a natural deodorant.  I tried Tom's, Alba and some other natural deodorants but by the end of the day I was left feeling pretty sticky and stinky.  Nobody wants that!  I decided to make my own and even though the first few batches didn't turn out to well, I adapted the recipe until I had a consistency that I liked.  My first attempt was clumpy, because I didn't soften the coconut oil.  My second batch was to gritty because I used too much baking powder (this batch also irritated my underarm.)  Finally, my third batch was smooth, not gritty, and did not burn my underarm.  And, it worked!!!  To understand why it works so well here is a breakdown of what each of the ingredients do.

Baking Soda, Corn Starch and Arrowroot Powder:  absorb sweat and keep underarm dry.
Coconut Oil: holds all the ingredients together and soothes underarm and razor burn. 
Tea Tree Oil:  is a natural anti-bacterial (bacteria is what causes body odor)
Essential Oil:  scent

Homemade Deoderant:

5 tablespoons coconut oil -- softened in a hot
water bath (not melted)

1/8 cup arrowroot powder - available at any natural foods store.

1/8 cup cornstarch

1/4 cup baking soda

Sift the 3 powders together

Several drops of tea tree oil [optional]

Several drops of essential oil of your choice.
(I love lavender myself) 

Instructions:  soften your coconut oil in a warm water bath.  Don't melt it or it won't mix well.  Sift together the 3 powders and then dump them into the coconut oil.  It will take some mixing to get it smooth.

Keep mixing!  It will smooth out wonderfully if you just keep at it.  When it is nice and smooth, I then add my essential oils.  I usually do 20 drops of tea tree oil and 10-20 of lavender oil.  You can use more or less to your preference.  Finally, transfer it to it's storage container.
I like to store mine in a half pint jam jar.  It will harden on its own over 24 hours or you can speed the process along and put it in the refrigerator.  To use, I just put a tiny amount, less than dime size, on the tip of my finger and rub it in.  If you notice some irritation, lessen the amount of baking soda that you use in your recipe.  I let it absorb for about 5 minutes before I put my clothes on and I have never had a problem with staining.

Now you have a recipe for natural homemade deodorant.  I encourage you to give it a try!!  Natural, Healthy and Nice Smelling Too!!


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