
Monday, March 3, 2014

Natural Cold Care

During our excessively long cold season, I like to keep a few things on hand to keep the family comfortable when a virus strikes.  I prefer to start with rest and fluids, but when that doesn't prove to be enough I use a variety of products to help ease the symptoms.

We love to drink tea with raw, local honey.  Our favorite teas right now are by Traditional Medicinals. They have a Seasonal Sampler which includes Gypsy Cold Care, Echinacea Plus, Throat Coat, and Breathe Easy.  We have found each works wonders for it's specific purpose.

For sore throats we use Ricola Honey Lemon with Echinacea.  They have many other flavors, but this tends to be our favorite.  There is no stinging menthol and the drop leaves raw throats feeling soothed.

Finally, for our kids we like to use Hylands Cold n' Cough.  They have a day time and a night time formula.  Both are safe for children ages 2-12.  We have found the night time formula really does work on those persistent bedtime coughs.

If we are suffering with a chest cold or stuffy noses, I like to use my homemade vapor rub...check it out here:  Natural Vapor Rub

If we have fevers we use ibuprofen or acetaminophen.  And I am certainly not against a trip to the doctor's office when we need it.  However, we almost always start with these natural basics and are usually pleasantly surprised with the brevity and lack of severity in our colds!

Here's to your (natural) health!

***Disclaimer 1:  I am not a doctor, please confer with a doctor before taking any and all medications, natural or otherwise***

***Disclaimer 2:  I am not affiliated with these companies in any way.  These are products that we use in our home and have found them to be helpful***

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