
Thursday, September 26, 2013

It's Not About Perfection, It's About Effort

As I am writing this blog and posting new posts, I am hoping that those who are reading are not getting overwhelmed.  I know when I first started learning about all the harmful stuff in our household I just wanted to do a complete and total overhaul.  But unless you have unlimited resources that would be an impossible endeavor.  We have been making our changes over the last five years.  If something runs out or wears out and we know it contained unhealthy chemicals, we replace it with or make a healthier version. 

In an effort to save money in this healthy transformation I have tried to make several beauty and cleaning products myself.  And you know what? Some of them worked.  But some of them didn't.  The homemade shampoo and conditioner made my hair look like a bad Halloween wig.  No matter how much I modified it, my hair was still scary.  My husband refuses to use my homemade deodorant and doesn't like homemade bread for his sandwiches (gasp).  And I confess, I still use plain white sugar when I bake...I am working on finding a healthier substitute that won't completely change the recipes, but I haven't yet (and I still have a big bag of sugar to use up).

So, being healthier isn't about perfection, it's a process and it's about the effort.  If you are trying to make little changes here and there to create a healthier environment and life, you are doing great!  If you have you have tips or suggestions of things that have worked for you, feel free to leave them in the comments, I would love to hear from you...

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