
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Natural Vapor Rub

Cold season has arrived early at house this year.  Anytime  I get a cold it goes straight to my chest.  In the past Vick's Vapor Rub has helped, but this morning I couldn't find any.  I did however have on hand coconut oil, eucalyptus essential oil and peppermint essential oil.  I had purchased the essential oils in hopes of diffusing them during one of my chest colds.  I did diffuse them in a essential oil warmer in my room today, but I also whipped up my own batch of ointment for my chest, back and the bottom of my feet.


2 tablespoons unrefined coconut oil
5 drops eucalyptus essential oil
5 drops peppermint oil

**Make sure your oil is 100% pure essential oil**

Please note**Eucalyptus and Peppermint can be dangerous to young children.  Please do some research about these oil before using them on or with your children.**

Place coconut oil in a small container and the place it in a warm water bath to melt it.  Once it has completely melted I add my essential oil.  I stir well and then place in the freezer to solidify.

It is solid once it is completely white again.  This is a wonderful rub for chest, back and the bottoms of feet.  It seemed to really help in calming my breathing and coughing.  It worked every bit as well as traditional drug store vapor rubs, cost less, and is chemical free.  I think this rub has found a permanent home in our natural medicine cabinet. 

If you try making this vapor rub, I hope it will help you breathe easier too!

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