Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Homemade Sugar Scrub {Christmas Gift Idea}

Tis the season for making lovely gifts to give away!  I like to get all of my Christmas gifts taken care of in October and November so that in December we can focus on Christ and spend time with family instead of running around like chickens with our heads cut off at the mall.  It requires a little planning, but it is well worth it!  A lovely gift to give at Christmas time (or anytime) is Homemade Sugar Scrub.  I gave this last year and it was a hit with my girlfriends.  It's simple but luxurious and is something most ladies won't spend the money on at the Spa, which makes it a nice gift.

My first recipe came from pinterest and didn't call for olive oil.  However once the coconut oil solidified, the sugar scrub was SOLID!  So, I tried a new batch using half coconut oil and half olive oil.  Problem solved.  The texture is perfect and it does not solidify.

Here is the recipe:

Sugar Scrub

1 cups granulated sugar
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup olive oil
10-15 drops of essential oil (I recommend lavender, vanilla, lemon or peppermint)

Slightly melt coconut oil, blend with olive oil add sugar and make paste.  

Put in mason jar.  Decorate the lid, add a pretty ribbon, and give away :)
**You can half it or double it depending on what size mason jar you use or how many you want to make**

See, I told ya it was simple!  Natural, Healthy, Beautiful ~ Gift Giving!

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